Monthly Archives: August 2013

Butternut Squash Soup

Squash Soup


I can count the number of times on one hand that I’ve cooked or eaten butternut squash.  Someone should have introduced me to this jewel of a soup a long time ago.  I will be making this many times!     It’s amazing both hot or cold. It’s restaurant good.

Sonja one of my fellow teachers, loves to cook.  She and I share recipes and this is one of hers.   I knew it was a hit when her son brought a cup of it to school for his girlfriend to taste.  When does that ever happen?

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Filed under Main dish, Soup

Banana-Berry Frozen Yogurt Bars

Banana-Berry Frozen Yogurt Bars

Are you looking for a summer treat and a way to get the family involved in the kitchen?  I found it or I should say Christy found it, made it, and brought it to school to see what we thought and I loved this recipe.  So here they are for you to try with the kids.  They will love them!  The recipe is right off the box of Nabisco Honey Grahams.  It’s a healthy substitute for ice cream sandwiches since they are made with yogurt and fresh fruit.  I used tart raspberries and bananas which really needed a sprinkle of sugar or a dab of honey to add some sweetness.  Just to give you a heads up here, the end product is not going to be a nice creamy texture.  It’s fruit and yogurt mixed by hand so it will be  a little icy.  Be sure to let them thaw a good 5 minutes before serving.  Very refreshing!

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Filed under Snack

No-Bake Cheesecake

No-Bake cheesecake

This Cheesecake is almost a miracle. From the top to the bottom it’s all no-bake.  It’s so easy that you can whip it up in the morning and serve it for dinner with very little effort.  The traditional cheesecake is delicious, but can be labor intensive and then fooling with that water bath can be intimidating for some of us.  Try this simple no-bake cheesecake and you will be pleasantly surprised with the results.


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Filed under Desserts

Banana Muffins with Chocolate from Katie Workman

Banana Muffins Katie Workman

Every body loves muffins or cupcakes. To me they are one in the same.  These muffins/cupcakes will knock your socks off. They have the best ingredients butter, sour cream, bananas and chocolate. You know there’s nothing wrong with a little chocolate in the morning. It does a girl good!  All kidding aside these are great. To take away some of the guilt pair them with a big bowl of fresh fruit and Greek yogurt. That’s one great way to start your morning.

This is another of Katie Workman’s recipes. It’s super easy to put together and really turns out a moist and rich muffin. So next time you’re looking for something great to do with two bananas that are two hours from heading to the trash then this is what you need to cook up in you kitchen.   You will make somebody happy.

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Filed under Bread, How To, Muffins

Sauteed Corn, Spinach, Bacon, and Scallions

Sauteed Corn

School is now is session!  Three days mimicked ten days.  Schedule changes, reading the handbook, going over rules and regulations made for boredom.  I did treat my classes Friday with these Fudgy Rocky Road Bars.  They got rave reviews and some of my new students tried them out on their families and friends this weekend.  That’s success!  I will keep you posted about my classes, but so far so good.

Last night I tried this side dish that I have had bookmarked all summer from Katie Workman The M0m 100 Cookbook.  It’s a great way to use the fresh corn that is so plentiful now.  The dish is packed with flavor.  I’m talking bacon, red pepper, shallots, spinach and corn.  It will be a great addition to any entre, but you know what I think it would be perfect to stand alone.  Just eat the whole bowlful with nothing else.  Heaven.

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Filed under side dish

Fudgy Rocky Road Bars

Fudgy Rocky Road Bars

Looking for something sweet that is super easy to make, feeds a crowd and is delicious?  Well, I found it for you.  As you can tell I am pretty much obsessed with Sarah Carey’s videos from Martha Stewart Everyday Living.  She is just so cute and I love her sense of humor.  She is just a natural in front of the camera and I  cannot wait to share her videos with my classes and discuss them.  It is going to add so much to their cooking experience that I cannot give them in 45 minutes.  But, there is a big downside.  These teens are going to want to eat the food!!!  I am sharing these bars with my classes on Friday as a first week treat.  Really I’m using it as a bribe to keep them from changing classes.  Oh, who am I kidding?  I really should be preparing something disgusting because I have 33 students in all four of my classes.  It is going to next to impossible to teach this many in a lab, but hopefully they will be all little angels and it will be a breeze.  I will keep you posted.

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Filed under Bar Cookies, Desserts

How to Make Your Own Taco Seasoning

taco Seasoning

I cannot think of many people who don’t just love tacos.  I know that my high school students love them.   They are quick to prepare and fun to play around with the toppings making them versatile for any picky palate.  So here is a great seasoning to keep on hand because most everyone keeps ground meat in their freezer.  So now you have dinner in a flash.

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Filed under How To, Seasonings