Monthly Archives: April 2010

Sausage, spinach and provolone pizza

Here at our house pizza is a favorite.  I love pizza, but only if it is made at home.  Ordering pizza out is way too expensive, laden with lots of calories and just plain not good to me.  Now there  is one place  I would go for pizza and for the life of me I cannot remember the name of the restaurant in Asheville, North Carolina. It  has the best pizza and greek salad.  If you know the one I am trying to think of let me know and I will link to them.  When we were there the line was way out the door, but worth the wait. 

I have been making pizza since high school.  My favorite was a pizza made in an electric skillet with a  biscuit dough crust. It was a treat! Now I will make pizza dough in the food processor, bread machine, mixer or use refrigerated or frozen dough that I pick up at the store. 

Making your own dough is very easy.  You just measure and let the machine do the work.  But, that will have to be another post.  It is way too much information for now!  

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Filed under Pizza, Provolone Cheesse, Real Simple, spinach

Banana Pudding

Here is a dessert that is made in heaven.  It is  Homemade Banana Pudding.   If you haven’t figured it out by now in class I am teaching a unit on eggs and dairy products. This is our Swan Song.  So we are learning the in’s and out’s of making a creamy pudding as well as a beautiful meringue. 

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Filed under Desserts

Cheese Dip Super Bowl Style

Everybody loves a good cheese dip.  This one is a little different, but is so good. I found the recipe on  an  Atlanta Gas Light calendar that was published by  their home economists.  Which means that it was tested many times before it was published.   I have a great cookbook published by the Atlanta Gas Light Company that so far has not produced anything but good food.  My point is that these are tried and true recipes. 

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Filed under Cheese, Cheese Dip

French Toast

French Toast looks so sophisticated, but it is simple to put together.  This is one of my favorite breakfast foods.  When I was in high school it was my breakfast choice almost every day.  I did not use a recipe nor did I make it fancy.  All I did was whisk an egg with a little milk , dip white bread in the egg and cook in a cast iron skillet with a little butter. I drizzled with hot syrup and enjoyed with hot coffee.  

Here is a recipe that I have been using for years with my classes.  I prefer at home to make French toast the night before and pop it in the oven the next morning especially if we have company!  It is just quicker. 

Here’s what you need. 

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Filed under Bread, Breakfast, Brunch, French Toast

Favorite Hot Cocoa and Eggs

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.  One-fourth of your daily calories should be consumed first thing in the morning.  I have found that less than one-fourth of my students do not eat breakfast before they leave for school.   The number one reason given for not eating breakfast is – no time.  I say it is just poor planning.  Breakfast is so easy and quick to make!  Especially eggs!

How do we like our eggs?  Scrambled is the number one choice of most Americans, then hard-cooked , over-easy, over-medium and sunny-side up.  Here are some tips for making great eggs:

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Filed under easy, Eggs, Hot cocoa

Macaroni and Cheese and Voting

I haven’t found too many people who did not love macaroni and cheese! It is super easy to pull together, but the key is to make a smooth and creamy white sauce.  When discussing this in class today  one of my students said, ” No worries Mrs. Lupo, just pull out a box of Kraft Macaroni and Cheese.  It is smooth and creamy every time.”    

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Filed under Macaroni and cheese

Lisa’s Chocolate Chip Cookies

Chocolate chip cookies are one of America’s most favorite cookies.  Did you know that Americans eat 7 billion chocolate chip cookies a year?   That equals to 19.2 million a day!  WOW is all I have to say! That is a lot of cookies.  Most everyone that I know loves chewy chocolate chip cookies.  I personally like a more crispy cookie. 

This particular recipe has been a hit.  I have made it several times.  My book club loved it.  My tennis team raved about it.  I took it to the Bake Sale here and they were a  hit.  If you love a chewy cookies you are going to love these.  Plus they are easy to make.  I always love that.

This recipe I am proud to say came from one of my former students Lisa S.  I cannot take all of the credit for her great cooking ability because her mom has the same degree as I do and taught my son some of his food preparation skills in the eighth grade.  Bless her!  As I am writing I can still see Lisa in my classroom preparing food with perfection.  Now she is a teacher and a mother in the fine state of Texas.  So I share this great chocolate chip recipe from Lisa with a smile and hope that you enjoy it as much as I have and will continue to enjoy it in the future. 

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Filed under chocolate chip, Cookies

The Great American Bake Sale

As a teacher I know first hand how hunger can affect a child’s ability to learn. Some of you reading this do not realize that children go to school hungry every day!  It is had to believe, but it does happen.  So what happens in the summer when these children do not have breakfast and lunch that is provided by the Free Lunch program?  This is where we can help.  Please take a minute and contribute money for this great cause.  I would love to see you at the bake sale, but if not see the details below and contribute on-line.  You know you could really make a difference in a child’s life!    

Next Saturday I will be participating in America’s rally around Share Our Strength’s Great American Bake Sale to end childhood hunger.  This is a national organization working to end childhood hunger in the United States, presented by Domino Sugar and C&H Sugar.  Share our Strength’s Great American Bake Sale is a national effort that encourages individuals to help end childhood hunger by holding bake sales in their communities. 

In part of the effort, the first annual National Food Bloggers’ Bake Sale will be held on April 17.  Organized by Gaby Dalkin of, food bloggers from across the country will unite to support the cause by holding bake sales in their states.  You as readers have the opportunity to taste the baked goods from your favorite food blogs at each state’s bake sale location.  

Here in the Atlanta area the sale will happen Saturday, April 17th from 9 am – 1 pm at Cabbagetown Market ( thanks to Lisa Hanson) in the heart of the Cabbagetown area of Atlanta.  Since off-street parking is not the best, the nice folks at Agave Restaurant have donated the use of their parking lot during the day.  It’s less than a block walk to the Cabbagetown Market.  To sweeten the deal a bit, Agave has agreed to give a $10 off coupon to each person who makes a purchase at the Bake Sale!     Thanks to Agave!

I hope to see you there!  If you have other plans please take a minute and visit this site that Tami(  has set up for contributions.   And remember that nearly 17 million children are facing hunger in America.  Share Our Strength helps with after school programs as well as summer programs.  Please help us to reach our goal! For more information check out these sites or

I will be  sharing with you some of the treats that will be available on Saturday.  Stay tuned!

Happy cooking,

The Teacher Cooks


Filed under Share Our Strength Great American Bake Sale

Ultimate Comfort Food – Tuna and Shells – another classroom activity

You either love it or hate it.  Canned tuna that is.  In my case I love it.  When I was in college my mother would make a Tuna Noodle Casserole for me every time I came home.  It was comfort food for me.  It made me feel loved and at home.  Some of you are probably thinking that I was probably starving and I would have loved anything that mother made for me, but that was not the case.  We had great food in the college cafeteria and believe me I ate my share of it.  We never had dessert growing up and I quickly learned after eating dessert after every meal in college that I  had to give it up because I was too broke to buy new clothes!   

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Filed under Cheese, easy, pasta, Tuna and Shells