Monthly Archives: April 2012

Strawberry Buttermilk Sherbet (Ice Cream)

I made my first ice cream of the year this weekend to reduce the number of strawberries that were overflowing in my refrigerator and wouldn’t you know that the temperature would drop to the low 4o’s.  March was a record high 80’s.  What’s up with this ridiculous range of tempts?  But, no matter what the weather is outside the strawberries are coming in like crazy and there are just so many that I can eat before they go bad.  Southern Living came to my rescue with their winning recipe for ice cream, sherbet, or frozen yogurt.  Whatever you want to name it make sure that you put the word scrumptious in front of it.  It is the easiest ice cream you’ll ever make and what is even better is that it is low in calories.  You might want to hide any straws.  The mixture is so good you’ll want to drink it like a milkshake.  It is that good!

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Filed under Desserts

Bacon Tomato Cups

Don’t hate me for this recipe that you are going to love!  It’s fantastic, easy, but not healthy.  Invite at least 18 of your friends over when you decide to make it that way everyone gets two and you have no guilt.  Or just have them as a main dish with a big salad.  Anyway, you’ll  have to balance out the calories  some way to keep it all away from your hips if you know what I mean.

Here’s how I got the recipe.  After Easter, Madison in my fourth period class told me that his mother had made the best biscuits with Rotel tomatoes and that was all it took.  I had to have the recipe.  It is really good and you can change it up for whatever meat that you might have.  I think that Canadian Bacon, ham, sausage, and even chicken would work perfectly.

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Filed under Appetizer

Strawberry Lemonade Muffins

Do you love strawberry shortcake?  I have just the recipe for you, but less trouble and less calories.  This is a fabulous muffin recipe and I know because I have made my share of muffins with high school students.  Since  I just received my first strawberries of the season in my CSA box I was searching for a great recipe.  I did not have to go far.    The new issue of Southern Living coincidentally featured strawberry recipes ranging from strawberry pie to strawberry curd this month.  There many great looking  recipes using strawberries.  I didn’t have to make a choice because my friend Syble mentioned to me that she tried these strawberry lemonade muffins which were divine.  I was sold .  Her word is gold and I love it when I don’t have to make decisions.

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Filed under Muffins, Quick Breads

Pinto Beans in the Slow Cooker


I love recipes that require little effort, that you can pull the ingredients out of your pantry at a moment’s notice, and taste heavenly!   This is the recipe.  Easy, easy, easy and good, good, good!  I cannot tell you one time that I have had pinto beans other than a Mexican restaurant.  My mother always made black eyed peas, but no pintos or black beans.  Well, now I have broadened my horizons or rather my tastebuds.  I love this recipe and have made it several times now and each time there is not one spoonful left and there are just two of us eating these beans.  I made homemade cornbread, but also being the nutrition teacher that I am I sauteed spinach with a little olive oil, garlic, and red pepper flakes and topped it with a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.  Oh, my gosh!

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Filed under Main dish, Slow Cooker

Salad with Grilled Chicken, Apples, and Glazed Walnuts

Salad has been my lunch life for about twenty years.  That’s a long time!  Why salad?  It has been the easiest way for me to pack  fresh vegetables into my diet every day.  For as long as I have been teaching I have always packed my lunch.  My routine has been and still is even though I am finished at noon everyday is to make three salads on Sunday night which includes whatever protein is available, baked ham, roasted turkey, grilled chicken, or canned tuna.  Then on Wednesday night I make two more for the end of the week.  Making them ahead of time keeps me out of the bag of chips or from the easy  to make grilled sandwich.  So by lunch I have usually had five servings of fruits and vegetables.  So why don’t you try salad for lunch  at least a month?  Take the challenge.  You’ll be healthier and a few pounds lighter!

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Filed under Main dish, Salad