Monthly Archives: January 2016

Slice and Bake Oatmeal Cookies with Black Walnuts


oatmeal with black walnuts

As a child I loved spending days with my grandparents.  They lived on a huge farm and I pretty much got run of the place.  It was a child’s paradise!  I even got to take some of the animals home as pets.  I had a beautiful Bantam rooster that I brought home.  The rooster did not stay home long though.  He fell in love with a hen across the road from us.  When the weather was good I played under the China Berry tree in the front yard or walked to the creek to pick blackberries.  Out back was a big metal container where my grandfather crushed sugar cane for syrup.  Sometimes you could find me there or in the barn with all the hay.  It was the perfect place for kids and I have many fond memories.

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Stuffed Hamburger-Cabbage Buns

cabbage rolls

I just love this recipe!  It’s made with pizza dough.  Now who is not going to like it ?  Right?  It can be made ahead and frozen.    I use my made from scratch pizza dough recipe, but you can use frozen dough or buy dough from your local pizzeria.   Any way these are really special!

I googled the recipe to see if I would be lucky enough to find it because I cannot remember where I got the recipe.   I’ve been using it for years.  There are plenty of recipes that are similar to this one.  Most of them make a huge amount using 3 pounds of pizza dough.  I cannot imagine making that many rolls.  WOW!  In fact this recipe could make 16 rolls which is the perfect size.  I usually make 8 rolls because I’m just too lazy!  Continue reading

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