Tag Archives: Olives

Goat Cheese with Olives, Lemon, and Thyme

This appetizer from Gourmet is just what we all want and need.  It is so good and can literally be ready in 20 minutes.  What else could you want?  Deliciousness?  Yes, it has that.  I love it!  You might need this for your next football party or when you and your friends get together for dinner.  It is the perfect appetizer!    I don’t have fresh thyme at my beck and call so I purchased some three times to make this.  It did not happen and now I am left wondering why.  Maybe because it is just too easy!

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Filed under Appetizer

Fish Fillets with Olives and Oregano

I’m always looking for a light dish that packs a lot of flavor and that’s quick.  I don’t think that I’m asking for too much.  After all,  working out at the gym or going to tennis practice takes a chunk of time.  I think it’s important to work out but, let’s face it a girl has to eat.  I simply loved these fish fillets.  Gourmet knows how to make me happy in the kitchen!   Continue reading

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Filed under Fish, Main dish