Tag Archives: Hot chicken salad

Hot Chicken Salad

I haven’t made this in forever because I love it!  It’s not good for my lose 5 more pounds diet.  So why is it sitting here on my blog now you ask?  Well, when your son returns home after being in California for a year and the mom has not been able to share the food love whatever the “glad your home son” wants he gets.   Call it I’m home and I want all the comfort food that you can give me.  When I came home from college all I wanted was my mother’s Tuna Casserole.  I wouldn’t ask for her great roast beef and gravy or her famous meatloaf or even her fantastic shrimp salad.  All I wanted was  everyday Tuna Casserole.  Well, this is not your every day Chicken Salad.  It’s a little rich for every day.

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Filed under Main dish